Looking for the best alternatives to Moldavite? Moldavite is insanely expensive, hard to find, often faked, and super intense. But it’s not your only option! Here are seven alternative cosmic crystals that can shift your energy, without the overwhelm and without breaking the bank...
0:00 Alternatives To Moldavite
0:34 Why Moldavite Prices Are Rising
1:20 Moldavite Isn't For Everyone
2:11 Do You Really Need Moldavite?
2:43 Moldavite Alternatives Revealed
3:15 Tektite Benefits
4:09 Malachite Benefits
5:00 Blue Kyanite Benefits
5:37 Libyan Desert Glass Benefits
6:48 Satin Spar Selenite Benefits
7:35 Meteorite Benefits
8:27 Labradorite Benefits
MUSIC CREDITS: The Blue Pearl by Jesse Galagher from YouTube's free audio library
DISCLAIMER: The information in this video and my channel is purely spiritual and metaphysical in nature and in no way to be considered a substitute for consultation with a licensed medical practitioner, medicine, or medical treatment. Nor is it a substitute for advice from a legal, financial or mental health professional. Results with crystals, alternative healing or manifesting techniques will vary for different people and cannot be guaranteed. Any use of the information in this video is at the viewer’s discretion and risk. You are 100% responsible for your own actions and choices. Please always use common sense with crystals, readings and spiritual information.
#moldavite #crystals #crystalhealing