#sarenaplaneta #andrijajurasin #microworld
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📖 Knjiga "E NEĆU, ZA INAT!" nastala tokom snimanja putopisa https://sarenaplaneta.com/knjiga/
Ne moraš da odeš daleko da bi stigao u potpuno drugi svet! Mikrosvet - svet detalja i sitnih bića, svet po mnogo čemu zanimljiviji i uzbudljiviji od ovog našeg, "džinovskog". Posmatrajući mikrosvet naučite da to što je nešto malo, ne znači da nije i veliko!
U životu je sve stvar perspektive…
Putopis ŠARENA PLANETA - Živimo na planeti punoj tajni na kojoj se u svakom momentu odigrava milion čudesa. Ako ste radoznali da upoznate ljude za koje verujete da postoje samo u romanima, otkrijete divlju nenašminkanu prirodu, fascinantni svet životinja, pronađete remek dela kakvih nema u galerijama...onda nema druge nego da se krene na uzbudljiv put!
Autor serijala: Andrija Jurašin
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/andrija.jurasin/
Web: http://www.sarenaplaneta.com
FB: http://www.facebook.com/AndrijaJurasinOfficial/
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SUBSCRIBE to The Colorful Planet: https://bit.ly/39kY3sl
You don't have to go far to discover a completely different world!
The Macroworld - a world of details and small creatures, a world more interesting and more exciting than ours, "gigantic". By observing the macroworld, you learn that just because something is small doesn't mean it's not great!
Everything is a matter of perspective…
Travelogue THE COLORFUL PLANET – We live on a planet filled with secrets, where millions of wonders happen every second. If you are curious to meet people that you thought existed only in novels, discover wild nature, the fascinating world of animals, find masterpieces that can’t be seen in galleries… there is no other choice but to go on an exciting trip!
Author and presenter: Andrija Jurašin
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/andrija.jurasin/
Web: http://www.sarenaplaneta.com
FB: http://www.facebook.com/AndrijaJurasinOfficial/
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#macroworld #adventure #adventurer #explorer #expedition #balkan #nature #insects #documentary #microworld