I’ve highlighted hundreds of passages in books I’ve read over the years, and for a long time, most of them just sat there. I never looked at them again. In this episode, I’ll walk you through how I fixed that—how I actually use my highlights to learn, remember, and apply what I read. If you’ve ever found yourself excited about a passage but unsure how to make it stick, this episode is for you.
0:00 - The Problem When Reading
1:02 - The Framework
3:10 - The Sentence for WHY
5:18 - Highlighting Shamelessly
7:10 - The End of the Book
8:40 - To Return or Not to Return
10:46 - Pick the Best
12:32 - One Action
14:27 - My Action from Mastery
As stated, I've begun working with the Novelry to improve my writing. If you're interested in writing your book, go check them out. I'm not sponsored by them, I just love them. https://www.thenovelry.com/
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Until next time, read slowly - take notes - apply the ideas.