Hi everyone! Thank you so much for listening to this video. Due to so many people responding positively to my last 4th wall video, I tried my hand at making another. I hope that you’re doing okay and that listening to this managed to make you feel a bit better about your circumstances. As is the case with my last video of this type, I included a few elements of binaural audio to create a more immersive experience, so for the best effect, be sure to listen with headphones.
As I’ve mentioned in previous videos, this channel is still a work in progress and your feedback (whether positive or constructive) is much appreciated!
Additionally, please feel free to give me video ideas. Although I have a long list of ideas I’d eventually like to do, now is definitely the time for me to do a bit more “tailored” content for my current subscribers. I’m open to your suggestions in the comments, particularly if they’re liked by multiple people.
Again, thank you for being here! I appreciate each and every one of you more than you could ever know :)