*Please check the fixed comment and subtitles💗
Hi, it's Aejeong🙂
Today I'll be having salmon and caviar
I present to you caviar 🤗
(they're salted eggs of sturgeon fish)
Never thought I'd have such a delicacy..😁
I thought it would pop like salmon roe ( ´・・)ノ(._.`)
But it's mushy and salty o((⊙﹏⊙))o
Caviar is low in fat and rich in vitamins and protein! 💕
It has anti-aging benefits, too ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
It was a valuable source of vitamins
in cold regions where veggies are hard to find 😏
Caviar is also called "black gold of the sea" 💎
Salmon has a lot of benefits too...
I'm eating healthy today
I'm stacking vitamins today 😚
Feeling healthy
Thanks for the meal!! Bye! 🤩
*Everyone, I’m so sorry I couldn’t reply all the comments.
But I’m checking every single comment.
Although I’m still not perfect,
I feel so happy and encouraged
because of all your compliments and supports.
I will repay you with better video with more efforts.
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Thank you for watching my video today. :D