Hello Angels ❤️
I have returned with another video :D I had a different video planned, but when I sat down to record, I picked up my 3dio and was like I HAVE A BETTER IDEA 😈 And thus, this video was created. I don't think I ever did a video like this. Normally, I'd be way too shy HAHA. I've been watching frivvi sm these days (jk I've literally watched her for years, ily frivvi) and I just find her kissing and mouth sound videos so comforting and relaxing. So my intentions are also just to make sounds I think are cute and comforting :3 I don't want to attract strange people... No being weird in the comments or else you'll be sent to a dark place off in to the distance, never to be seen again 😇 I'm not worried about the regulars btw, you're all so wholesome and kind to me *cries* ❤️
Anyway, let's talk New Years Resolutions!!! :D
I already mentioned in the last video, but I'll ramble on some more about them and what my goals are for this ASMR channel
So needless to say, weekly ASMR videos are continuing!! *cheers* I've grown quite excited looking forward to making my next video for the week :D it's so fun creating a video and seeing your guys' replies. So please continue to look forward to your Sunday Angels ASMR video 😇❤️
Also, I'm looking for a shortform content editor person!!! If you have experience in creating shortform ASMR content, please send me an email: angelstwitch@gmail.com :) tldr I'm looking to hire someone to create tiktoks from my ASMR videos and upload them on to my ASMR tiktok. Please have samples / previous experiences in your email.
I decided to add on another goal on top of the ones in my previous video description! This year I'd like to really focus on not being hard on myself. And not in a hard on myself for being hard on myself way... the irony.
I also want another chihuahua... I want one that looks like a lil naked rat :') But that's not a 2023 goal... that's a goal for another year *sighs longingly* I must get a cute little home first before adding more pets to the family. So I guess my goal for 2023 is to work hard and save money :D
Let me know your new years resolutions in the comments. Have a WONDERFUL WONDERFUL WEEK and I hope you enjoy the video :) See you next Sunday!!!! ❤️ Pog
xoxo Kimi
My Patreon: https://patreon.com/angelsasmr?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator&utm_content=join_link
⭐ f o l l o w m e ⭐
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/angelskimi
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/angelskimi
Twitter: https://twitter.com/angelskimi
Snowball's IG: https://www.instagram.com/snowballcatcat
Gaming YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/angelskimi
Twitch VOD Channel: https://youtube.com/@AngelsKimiVODs
(All ASMR VODs will be uploaded here)
Business Email: angelstwitch@gmail.com