Hello, this is TimetoCook.
Today, instead of a recipe video, we will be explaining the most basic of cooking basics that beginners are most curious about: knife skills.
In fact, my goal is to have a comprehensive cooking content YouTube channel that covers cooking techniques, ingredients, and tool reviews, rather than a channel that only covers recipes.
No matter how much I searched YouTube, there were almost no videos that explained knife skills in detail. Also, in fact, schools and cooking schools do not cover knife skills in detail, so I decided to make one.
My knife skills are lacking and my explanations are lacking, but I tried my best to make it. I hope this video will be helpful to beginners who are just starting out with knife skills.
#Knifeskills#Knifeskills#Cooking#Knifeskillsseminar#Howto cookwell#Howtouseaknifewell#Basicknifeskills