In our neverending search for outer gratification and validation, perhaps we forget that there might be treasures within. This song reminds us through simple, everyday images - the fire in the wood, the butter in the milk - of what is contained within. Only, it needs a certain amount of churning in order to come forth.
Find lyrics/translation of this song at
Discover a universe of Bhakti, Sufi, Baul poetry and music at
Meditative and mesmeric – these are the qualities of Mahesha Ram ji’s music. Unhurried and not in an eager rush to please the public, Mahesha Ram ji slows you down, and compels you to step into his rhythm. He belongs to Chhatangadh village near Jaisalmer in Rajasthan, and represents the folk style of the Meghwal community, who are the traditional carriers of the poetry of many bhakti poets including Kabir, keeping it alive through a powerful oral tradition.
(Click on Settings for subtitles in English & Hindi.)
Contact Mahesha Ram at +91 99298-76095
Mahesha Ram ji sang this song along with Bhage Khan and the rest of his troupe in Momasar village on the first night of the Rajasthan Kabir Yatra, a week-long travelling festival which toured 7 villages with 13 singers of Bhakti, Sufi and Baul poetry in February 2012. The Yatra was organised by Lokayan in Bikaner ( in partnership with the Kabir Project, Bangalore.
This is one of a series of uploads for Ajab Shahar, a webspace dedicated to mystic poem and song, created by the Kabir Project team ( ;
Song Credits:
Vocals & Tambura: Mahesha Ram
Second Vocals & Tambura: Bhage Khan
Dholak: Anwar Khan
Manjiras: Amolak Ram & Mona Ram
Harmonium: Gillu Khan
Translation: Vipul Rikhi
Video Credits:
Cameras: Smriti Chanchani & Aarthi Parthasarathy
Sound: Atirek Pandey
Editing: Aarthi Parathasarathy
Editing Support: Radha Mahendru
Sub-Titling: Shruti Kulkarni & Vipul Rikhi
Collection: The Kabir Project
Date of Recording:
23 February 2012