This is Video 3 in the "Before you buy a bass boat watch this" or The 2020-21 Bass Boat Search series of videos (see playlist on my channel) where I walk you through me spending the day in a bunch of different boat brands and models through the fall of 2020 looking for my next boat. If you didn't see video 1 or 2 you can go back and watch them first, (first boat featured is the Bass Cat Puma Hybrid the boat with the Champion 203 style hull). Today I spend the day in a Charger 210 Elite, not just doing a walk through, but fishing out of it and driving it. I am currently running a 2018 Ranger Z521c and since I don't have much history in other boats it just seems a great chance with the access I have to buddies with new boats to try out a bunch and see what I want for my next one.
This video is`1 of 2 reviewing the Charger, at the end of video 2 I will score the boat 1-20 in 5 different categories, Fishability, Performance, Amenities, Fit & Finish and then a 5th catch all that includes feedback from friends that own them, trailer, options, feedback from fiberglass shops in Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma and Texas asking them what they see as the best 3 boats, based upon construction, currently being built (since they see how we beat them up). And then we ask them which they see the most non-impact damage to the hulls with (least well built). Then for tournament anglers we include a 6th 20 point category looking to see who has the best contingency prize package available.
#kensmithfishing #beforeyoubuyabassboatwatchthis #greatbassboatsearch2020
Guys a viewer pointed out I misread the boat length, it's 20'10" not 21'10'
We realized after the tippy test, they run a pure oxygen system and have a 70 lb O2 tank in the front starboard compartment.
In addition to this boat i plan to spend the day in a more traditional Bass Cat go fast boat, a Ranger z521c, Ranger z521L, a Nitro, couple Skeeters, Triton, Falcon, several Phoenix models, a Vexus (if we can find one) a Caymus, a Pro Gator and anything else that my viewers suggest that I can find to try.
See also Shopping for a New Bass boat, Bass boat shopping, Shopping for a new bass boat 2020, which bass boat is right for me, what to know before you buy a bass boat, thinking about buying a new bass boat, buying your first bass boat, buying a new bass boat, best bass boat for the money, what to look for in a bass boat, bass boat walk through, what to look for in a new bass boat, bass boat comparisons, bass boat champion, bass cat walk through, buying a new bass boat tips and tricks, consumer digest bass boat, best value bass boat, best bass boat 2020, best bass boat 2021, top 5 bass boats.
Avid Tournament angler, outdoor writer, have won a few Angler of the Year titles including the Cowboy BFL, and a second place AOY finish in the Okie BFL and many tournaments over the years. On my channel I show lake reports from Sam Rayburn and Toledo Bend, tournament footage, & lots more.
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Best Line for the $ – Seaguar InvizX
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For Sam Rayburn navigation and map tips see these two playlists
The BEAST the new Mercury V8 4 Stroke 250 Pro XS
Special thanks to all the people who help me stay on the water and fishing with the best products out there, Mercury outboards, Lew's Rods and Reels, 6th Sense Fishing, Gary Yamamoto Custom Baits, Seaguar Line, Humminbird and Minn Kota Ultrex trolling motors, Onyx life jackets, Bite-Me Tackle.
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