After I had a day off yesterday, I found time to jam again today. Very simple idea: Three sequences with different step lengths. (20,24, 28 are the step lengths) The first 10 notes are the same for all three (only different octaves) after which the melodies played vary. Through Random Voltage, however, I let them play the phrase together (via Simultaneous reset) from time to time before they drift apart again.
Of course, the "holds" of the Craves are also operated with Random Voltages to extend/change the sequences "virtually".
Well, this is actually only the beginning and I will take up the idea again and expand it further, but in the Jamuary sense it is enough for now. Fun and jamming is more important . In February, we can overthink sessions again 😂😂
Behringer Crave 4x
Behringer Edge
Behringer RD 6 (only for triggering)
Behringer 182 Seq & 150 Ringmod/Lfo/S&H
Doepfner 149-4 Quad VC Random
Doepfner 151 Sequential switch
Doepfner 182-1 Switchable Mult
1010music Blackbox. (only for start/stop/sync) No Midi.
Polyeffects Beebo Rev/Del/Granular Del/Mix/Routing
FMR Audio RNLA 7239 end of chain
Recorded direct via Audiointerface in the IPad
No Postprocessing
If you like what you see and hear, please push the buttons! 👍
Thanks for watching.
©️ CraveCave Jan/24