Logic Pro X Drummer Tracks, Bass Guitar Tracks & Groove Track - Essential Audio Production Tips
Discover the power and feature of all these tracks and how you can enhance your audio productions bt using them.
For more tutorials on Logic Pro X as well as beat making techniques visit my website using the link above.
Why not check out my official beat site below too.
I am Dr Duce and I have been using Logic as my main DAW since 1997. I started out using Cubase then switched to Logic version 2.8 on the PC then moved to the Mac platform when Emagic was bought by Apple. Although I am proficient in Pro Tools and Ableton Live, Logic Pro has been my digital audio workstation of choice for all aspects of my music production process, from creation to completion.
I have developed these tutorials to help musicians, composers, beat makers, music producers, audio editors, sound recording and mixing engineers as well as music tech enthusiasts with speeding up their workflow when using Logic as their primary Digital Audio Workstation or DAW.
| Contact Info |
Website: http://musictechtraining.com/
Beat Site: https://www.ducebeats.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MusicTechTrain
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/musictechtraining
Instagram: MusicTechTraining
Please Like, Comment and Subscribe for more videos. Thanks for watching. Below is a full list of all my videos.
Logic Pro X: Tuning Vocals With Nectar Pitch Editor
Logic Pro X: Tuning Vocals With Waves Tune
Logic Pro X: Tuning Vocals With Melodyne
Logic Pro X & iZotope Alloy 2
Logic Pro X: Set Correct Audio Input Signals Through Gain Staging
Logic Pro X: Balance Your Levels to Avoid Distortion
Logic Pro X Key Commands: Markers & Screensets Pt2
Logic Pro X Key Commands: Markers & Screensets Pt1
Logic Pro X: How to Make a Beat Minimalist R&B Style
Logic Pro X Key Commands: Delete or Adjust Track Automation
Logic Pro X: Use Chord Trigger to Create Minor Chord Progression
Logic Pro X Key Commands: Tap Tempo
Logic Pro X: Flex Pitch & Flex Time to Create a Harmony on Katy Perry's Firework
Logic Pro X Key Commands: Zoom & Reset
Logic Pro X Humanize Drums & Production Elements
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