二胡/楊雪樂團/小巨人絲竹樂團 天鼓擊樂團 青韵合唱團 指揮/陳志昇 2011.1.29 兩岸薪傳系列 都市幻想 地點/台灣.台北市.國家音樂廳 (台灣首演) http://www.littlegiant.idv.tw/index.htm
Binyang LI: Totems (Taiwan premiere)
Erhu: Xue YANG / Little Giant Chinese Chamber Orchestra, Tien-Ku Percussion Group, Ching-yun Choir / Chih-Sheng CHEN / National Concert Hall, Taipei, Taiwan 2011.1.29.
Most cultures have their own totems (emblems). The traditional spiritual world seems to be diminishing gradually in modern civilization. The spirits of totems seem to be moving away from us, however, totems won't disappear but their connotations will change.
(Translation: Shiyan ZHANG / Edit: Patty CHAN)