This video is a collection of all quotes of the Luteces from BioShock Infinite and its DLCs( Clash in the Clouds, Burial at Sea ). Rosalind's voice actor is Jennifer Hale, and Robert's voice actor is Oliver Vaquer.
0:00 Viewing the Infinite
0:20 A City, Suspended
0:46 Whispers Through the Walls
1:14 Playing Prophet
1:55 A Window
2:19 On the Entropy of Genes
2:42 Bring Us the Girl, and Wipe Away the Debt
2:53 Cross-Reality Argument
3:26 Unforseen Consequences
3:43 The Constancy of Music
4:21 One and the Same
4:40 An Inconvenient Truth
4:51 Child of Science
5:11 A Better Father
5:40 The Source of Her Power
6:01 No Cell Will Hold Them
6:33 Unde Vigores?
7:06 The Prophet is Dying
7:31 What's Done is Done
7:54 An Ultimatum
8:20 Schrödinger's Luteces
8:32 A Theory on Our "Death"
9:00 An Invitation to Redemption
9:18 Barriers to Trans-Dimensional Travel
9:30 An 'Intro'
10:42 Heads or Tails?
11:02 An "Ordinary" Waiters
11:49 Bird or Cage?
12:06 Dead or Alive?
12:40 Your Part in the Play or the Play Itself?
13:21 Note and Instrument
14:20 Grammar for Time Traveler
14:40 Finishing Each Other's Sentences
14:46 Lives, Lived, Will Live
15:16 Truth is in the Tears
15:35 Dies, Died, Will Die
15:42 The Fragments of Memory
16:05 Sea of Doors
16:19 The Lazarus Project
17:08 Burial at Sea
17:26 The Ferrymen of the Styx
18:40 Atlas
18:59 Yi Suchong
19:19 Better Try Not to Die
19:39 Sally's Demise
19:59 End of DeWitt-Comstock Line
20:19 Farewell