We all get stuck with a painting sometimes, and it can be incredibly frustrating. But how can we use a simple, logical system to push through it.
Even if we do push through and finish a painting, it may still not work, not be successful in ours or we simple don't like it. It can make us feel like we can't paint when we get stuck in a painting like this; but how can we learn from each painting so our future ones are more successful?
Whether stuck during a painting and needing a way through, or looking for a way to analyse our painting when its done, with a view to progressing with the next one, going through the tick list of the 5 basic principles of painting can really help. Plus a cheeky little extra two at the end.
I really hope me showing how I got stuck with this watercolour painting, and more importantly how I got through this and more importantly still, what i took away from this painting, will in turn really help you.
Thanks for watching!
Upcoming Zoom DEMOS:
Top 5 Painting Principles Series
Ep 1 - Intro & Composition - https://youtu.be/D-XiN65wAzQ
Ep 2 - Drawing & Draftsmanship - https://youtu.be/OgPwdnjOqKI
Ep 3 - Tonal Values - https://youtu.be/TlHCE7KSveE
Ep 4 - Colour - https://youtu.be/KlASrSK6_zU
Ep 5 - Edges (+ texture & story) - https://youtu.be/pErloZf-PPU
Join me on Patreon for exclusive Tutorials, Time-lapse videos, live-streams, quick tips and much more:
Previous Watercolour Bites Episodes:
1) Basic Terms - https://youtu.be/4icHxwdzQYQ
2) Colour vs Tone - https://youtu.be/qnVjTLxivQI
3) Tonal Values (Part 1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OE6itosi2Hw
4) Tonal Values (Part 2) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9A8s21LOpuA
5) Tonal Values (Part 3) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y9h1qXH30Vs
6) Single Most Important thing in Watercolour - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1spfpfhqCuY
7) Simple Watercolour Process - https://youtu.be/AbvleXlDoBw
8) Top 10 Tips - https://youtu.be/PZb-3jYxp84
9) Watercolour Brushes - https://youtu.be/-i3EQJ2Sekc
10) Mixing Darks - https://youtu.be/dqfWN5uZwJE
Please subscribe for lots more to come and don;t forget to check out all my other videos, as well as my Patreon teaching page for more in depth look at all aspects of painting!
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