In this day and age of streaming and digital downloads, you would think that the compact disc would be entirely obsolete, right? Well, not exactly. In fact, recent numbers have indicated that CDs are actually doing far better than most of us would have expected.
In this video, I talk about recent numbers that were released by the RIAA regarding CD sales in the first half of 2024. I knew that there has been a resurgence in the popularity of CDs, but even I was surprised by the numbers.
In this video I compare how compact disc sales are doing compared to digital download sales. Digital album sales have fallen quite substantially and have been for quite some time. It appears that compact discs are actually leaving digital album sales in the dust.
I have mentioned before that I am still quite a consumer of CDs. It is still my preferred format when I purchase new music. I love the tangible nature of CDs, and of course I love to collect. Plus, it's no secret that CDs are still very affordable. Especially when you compare them to the hefty prices of new vinyl.
So, why are CDs doing so well? Why haven't they died? What is causing them to perform so strongly? I speak about this in the video.
Of course, nostalgia can be a very crucial factor. Folks like me are always looking for ways to go back to the good old days. iIdo think that is one factor, but I do believe there are many other factors at play as well.
I also have to say that I prefer the uncompressed sound of compact discs. They just sound the best to my ears. Songs available through streaming or digital download are often very compressed. I never cared for that.
Do you still buy CDs? Do you still collect them? Do you feel that there really is a CD resurgence? Or do you think CDs should simply die and go away forever? Feel free to leave a comment!
On this channel I post videos relating to retro and vintage technology. Things like cassettes, CDs, old cameras, laser disc, radios, TVs, DVDs, vinyl, VCRs, home recording gear, microphones, mixers, synthesizers, drum machines, video games, and so much more. If this is your thing, please subscribe!