➡️➡️Learn more about Clearmountain's Domain here: https://bit.ly/2MrOhIC
➡️➡️Check out Clearmountain's Domain here: https://bit.ly/33dqL9e
We have a really exciting video for you today! Our good friend Bob Clearmountain teamed up with Apogee to release a brand new plugin called "Clearmountain's Domain"!
For those of you who dont know who Bob is, he's among the most acclaimed engineers, mixers, and producers of all time. He’s worked with many of the biggest names in music.
Clearmountain's Domain reproduces Bob's personalized FX signal chain for creating the cohesive spaces, expansive dimensions, and rich atmospheres where his mixes live.
I’m sure you remember The Rolling Stones song "Start Me Up." Well, Bob told me there is an emulation of that song’s guitar sound in Clearmountain’s Domain! – Let’s open it up and have some fun.
➡️Stealth Sonics: https://bit.ly/2ppGVhd
➡️UK Sound 1173: https://bit.ly/2BniUHM
➡️$299 Kali Audio Studio Monitors: https://bit.ly/2QaQF6P
➡️Apollo x16: https://u.audio/apollox16-plap
➡️Apollo Twin: https://u.audio/apollotwin-plap
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