Join flower farmer and florist Georgie Newbery if Common Farm Flowers in Somerset as she creates twenty eight posies for a house party nearby. Two colour schemes, fresh-from-the-garden flowers, and crab apples for the base of this beautiful array of simple jam jar posies… or are they simple? Look at the detail and tell me they're simple...
If you enjoy the tips and tricks Georgie gives you here, or would simply like to support the channel, the link to her Buy Me a Coffee page is Here:
We have all kinds of workshops listed on the website - have a look and book yourself the sessions which appeal to you.
You can see our workshop calendar here
If you're booking a place on our workshops the website will ask you to choose a delivery date - any date will do! And if you can't join our sessions live then you are still very welcome to book as we send the recording and notes of the workshop out to everyone afterwards, so you can download the session and refer back to it as and when you need to.
Follow Georgie on instagram @commonfarmflowers
And on Twitter you can find Georgie at
#gardenflowers #gardenfloristry #jamjarposy #posies #sustainableflowers #sustainablefloristry