|Curry Leaves Chutney|South Indian Chutney|Healthy Chutney Recipe|करी पत्ता चटनी|Dilse Foodie Re|
Curry Leaves Chutney is an extremely nutritious and delicious South Indian Chutney recipe which is mostly enjoyed with hot rice and ghee or as a condiment during meals.
Curry leaves are a rich source of iron, Vitamins A,B,E and loaded with antioxidants.They are beneficial to our skin,hair and improve our immunity.
Try making this super easy,tasty and extremely healthy Curry Leaves Chutney and enjoy!
Curry Leaves(करी पत्ता)-1 bowl
Oil(तेल)-1 tsp
Split skinless black lentil(उरद दाल)-1 tbsp
Split Bengal gram(चना दाल)-1 tbsp
Black pepper corns(काली मिर्च)-10
Dry red chilli(सूखी लाल मिर्च)-2
Green chilli(हरी मिर्च)-2
Ginger(अदरक)-1 tbsp
Garlic cloves(लहसून)-3
Tamarind(इमली)-small ball
Salt to taste(नमक )
Asafoetida powder(हींग)-1/4 tsp
Grated fresh coconut(ताज़ा नारियल)-1/4 cup
Water(पानी)-a little
For garnishing
Fresh curry leaves(करी पत्ता)
Wash and dry curry leaves.
Heat a pan,add oil,split skinless black lentils,split Bengal gram,dry red chillies,green chillies,black pepper corns and saute till light golden brown.
Add chopped ginger, garlic, tamarind,salt, asafoetida powder,grated fresh coconut and saute till light golden brown.
Cool to room temperature and grind in a mixer using little water.
Grind into a coarse thick paste.
Transfer Curry Leaves Chutney to a serving dish and garnish with some fresh curry leaves.
Serve this tasty and healthy Curry Leaves Chutney with hot rice and ghee.
Click 🔗 below to view Curry Leaves Rice Recipe on my channel 👇🏻
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