Cal Newport talks about the problem with grand goals in Episode 303 of the Deep Questions podcast.
Buy Cal’s latest book, “Slow Productivity” at
The desire to cultivate a more intentional and remarkable existence – what we call “the deep life” – is universal. In today’s episode, Cal talks about one of the most common traps in this pursuit: hoping that the achievement of a singular grand goal will make all parts of your life better. Cal discusses the problems with the grand goal approach and argues why the more systematic lifestyle-centric mindset will not only produce better results, but end up leading to remarkable opportunities anyway. He then takes questions and calls from readers and reviews the five books he read in May.
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Buy Cal’s latest book, “Slow Productivity” at
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May Books:
Science and Human Values (j. Bronowski)
The Hot Zone (Richard Preston)
Extinction (Douglas Preston)
When the Shooting Stops…the Cutting Begins (Ralph Rosenbaum and Robert Karen)
The Great Partnership (Jonathan Sacks)
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0:00 How to create a deep life
22:01 Is it too late to start living deep at the age of 27?
26:37 Is it possible to cultivate a deep life at a job that requires full attention?
29:34 How come there are different Deep Life Stacks?
37:12 How to cultivate a deep life with small children?
45:12 Do I need to “limit my missions” if I have a standard day job?
49:47 Keeping focus after having children
1:02:47 Finding books to help cultivate a deep life
1:13:09 The 5 Books Cal Read in May 2024
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About Cal Newport:
Cal Newport is a computer science professor at Georgetown University. In addition to his academic research, he writes about the intersection of digital technology and culture. Cal's particularly interested in our struggle to deploy these tools in ways that support instead of subvert the things we care about in both our personal and professional lives.
Cal is a New York Times bestselling author of seven books, including, most recently, A World Without Email, Digital Minimalism, and Deep Work. He's also the creator of The Time-Block Planner.
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