Whatever happened to all the real men?
Oh, we see plenty of masculine imagery in movies and TV. Healthy, successful, attractive guys with gorgeous women hanging all over them.
We yearn to be those men – but these images don’t tell us how to become like them. Maybe we try to fake it by buying a nice suit or an expensive car – but deep down, we know we’re just pretending, so nothing really changes.
I used to be a guy like that too – faking my way through life, bored at my job, always in the “friend zone” with the women I wanted… dreaming big and hoping next year would be different but living all too small.
That all changed when I found out where the REAL male mentors are… built strong friendships with them… and let them teach me how to take back my masculine power once and for all.
These powerful men told me things my father never told me… about women, finance, physical health, and how to become the strongest version of myself. And after a decade of intensive mentorship, I now want to pass this knowledge on to you.
It’s time to shatter your chains, and start living the life you know you deserve – as a strong grounded man.
I’m offering my exclusive 90-minute, 30-video training course on becoming a strong, grounded man… absolutely FREE, for a very limited time.
Just click here to get your copy, and take control of your life today → https://goo.gl/Xh3pof
Dr. Glover is an internationally recognized authority on the Nice Guy Syndrome. He is a frequent guest on radio talk shows and has been featured in numerous local and national publications.
Through his book: No More Mr. Nice Guy, online classes, workshops, podcasts, blogs, consultation, and therapy groups, Dr. Glover has helped change the lives of countless men and women around the world.
Early Challenge
Dr. Glover had an affair with a woman in his congregation. He was rarely ever a risk averse type of person and found himself in this situation that he felt was completely out of line with who he was. Or did he know who he was?
Ah-hah Moment
He asked himself, “how did I get here?” one day in church and it finally dawned on him that he had been out of integrity most of his life. He realized that he was not the nice guy he always thought himself to be because he was holding things back inside. Dr. Glover learned that when you’re out of integrity it eventually leads to problems and it’s better to be clear in your thoughts, words and actions.
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