▷Earl Grey Basque Burnt Cheesecake [Gluten-free & No Cream]
Φ15cm (6 inch)
200g . . Milk
4g . . . . Earl grey tea (2 teabags)
45g . . . Room temp unsalted butter
300g . . Room temp cream cheese
10g . . . Corn starch
62g . . . Sugar
110g . . Room temp egg liquid
20g . . . Condensed milk
2g . . . . Eearl grey tea (1 teabag)
▷Cook Time
Gooey center : Bake it at 425°F°F /220°C for 23-25 minutes
Creamy yet firm center : Bake it at 425°F°F /220°C for 30-32 minutes
Earl grey basque cheesecake will keep in the fridge for up to 3 days
🥕 If you want to make it in a different size
15 cm (6 inch) → 12 cm (4.7 inch)
Ingredients x 0.67 times, Bake time x 0.8~0.9 times
15 cm (6 inch) → 18 cm (7 inch)
Ingredients x 1.5 times, Bake time x 1.25 times
15 cm (6 inch) → 21 cm (8.2 inch)
Ingredients x 2 times, Bake time x 1.5 times
❤️ Thanks for watching and supporting, Looking forward to seeing you in the next video ♪
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Music composed by 뮤민(MwM)
Track: 멜로디(Melody) - • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bpt1JgzipQA
#gluten-freecheesecakerecipe #glutenfreebakedcheesecake #earlgreycakerecipeeasy #軟心蛋糕 #earlgreybasquecheesecakerecip #流心巴斯克 #軟心巴斯克 #EarlGreyBasqueBurntCheesecake #伯爵茶巴斯克蛋糕 #無麩質蛋糕 #無奶油蛋糕