Many clients will call with emergencies but luckily this call was for the following morning. I’m Austin Ross a rig welder and pipeline welder and on this channel I enjoy helping other through my experience and being a part of the welding/pipeline community. I started about early on with my own mobile welding business and pick it back up when I’m home off the pipeline. A welding rig is a welding rig and I might as well be putting my mobile welding rig to work. Today’s project is a farm implement repair. Farm welding is common for me when I’m home in Oklahoma. Farm welding projects and farm welding repair come up with my brother-in-law on their family farm as well as neightbors when have other farm and ranch welding jobs. Welding farm equipment is a fun distraction from the more regular jobs like welding pipe fence. Subscribe and stick around. Make sure to introduce yourself in the comments below!
Farm Welding Ideas - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRSr7tWES8o&list=PLyyDR6BOuTGDvWIaMOlSFhMf-bTXmaY_H
JOIN THE INNER CIRCLE: https://arosswelding.mn.co/landing/plans/10974
Details about the Inner Circle: https://arosswelding.mn.co
Industrial Tradition:
Social Media links - come hang out after hours.
My Instagram: http://instagram.com/arosswelding
My Facebook that I never use: https://www.facebook.com/arosswelding/
Our company links: Industrial Tradition
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/industrialtr...
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/industrial_...
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/industrialt...
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/industrialtradition
Our vlog channel: http://youtube.com/c/austinandkayla
My wife's instagram: http://instagram.com/thekaylaross
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