奉上我爱吃也爱做的拿手菜之一,红烧狮子头的做法,菜谱详细到克。 跟着做就好啦!家里速冻常备,随时拿出来,就是一道大餐!
Sharing one of my favorite dishes to eat and cook, the recipe for Braised Lion's Head, recipe detailed to the gram. Just follow the instructions, and you'll be amazed! Keep it stocked in the freezer at home, take it out anytime, and it becomes a feast!
🔔欢迎订阅我的频道 Subscribe to my channel:https://www.youtube.com/@QG.Kitchen.Maomao
📝 食材 Ingredients:
*狮子头配料Meatball Ingredients
1000g 猪绞肉 Ground Pork
20g 姜末 minced ginger
(5g/1 tsp姜粉 Ginger Powder 2tsp)
60~150g 马蹄丁/香菇丁
Water Chestnuts/Mushroom dices
20g/1.5 tbsp 料酒 Cooking Wine
20g /1.5 tbsp 生抽 Light Soy Sauce
20g/1.5 tbsp 蚝油 Oyster Sauce
15g/1tbsp 芝麻油 Sesame Oil
4g /1 tsp 盐 Salt
8g/2 tsp 糖 Sugar
8g/2 tsp 鸡粉(可省略)Chicken Flavor Powder
1g /0.5 tsp白胡椒 White Pepper
2个 鸡蛋 Egg
40g/0.3 cup 玉米淀粉 Corn Starch
* 料水 Soup Ingredients
1500g/6.3 Cup 水 Water
10~15g/5~6片 姜片 Ginger Slice
30g 葱/2 根Scallion
3 颗 八角 star anise
20g /1.5 tbsp料酒 Cooking Wine
50g/3.5 tbsp 生抽 Soy Sauce
25g/1.5 tbsp 蚝油 Oyster Sauce
20g/1.5 tbsp 冰糖 Sugar Cubes
4g/1 tsp 盐 Salt
15g/1 tbsp 老抽 Dark Soy Sauce
2g/0.5 tsp 鸡粉
MSG/Chicken Flavor Powder
Remember to watch the tip summary at the end of the video!