網球肘 / 主婦肘的治療及預防
「網球肘」又稱「主婦肘」,正式的醫學名稱為「肱骨外上髁炎」,屬肌腱炎的一種。網球肘由慢性勞損所致,情況可發生在打網球反手拍時,或在婦女抱小孩時間過長及用太多前臂力來做家務令肘和腕關節肌肉負荷太大,以致肌肉疲勞! 今次影片中,Dr. Matty 為你講解並教導如何紓緩網球肘。立即觀看影片.
#excelmedicalgroup #脊醫王鳳恩 #網球肘 #網球肘運動
Medical Center: www.excelmedicalgroup.com
MRI scanning: www.accurate-mri.com
Dr Matty Wong website: www.drmattywong.com
Collagen Supplement: www.drdisc.hk
香港中環干諾道中13-14號歐陸貿易中心18-19樓 (港鐵中環站A出口中環環球大廈旁)
歡迎查詢及預約:+852 2804 6813
#Body Performance Pilates Trainer Olivia
Tennis Elbow - Stretches & Exercises
Tennis elbow, lateral epicondylitis, is a painful condition that occurs when tendons of the elbow are overloaded. Tennis players suffer from tennis elbow from repeated backhand hitting of the ball or mothers carrying a baby for too long or a chef daily cooking which overloads the forearm muscle and triggers inflammation in the elbow tendon. Dr Matty explains the causes and treatments for tennis elbow. Please click and watch the video.
#excelmedicalgroup #drmattywong #tenniselbow #tenniselbowexercieses
18 Floor, Euro Trade Center, 13-14 Connaught Road, Central, Hong Kong (next to World Wide House, Exit A, MTR Central Station)
Enquiries and appointments are welcome: +852 2804 6813
#Body Performance Pilates Trainer Olivia