貧窮本天生 富有命運逢 出世無所有 魂歸清袖翁
By appreciation, we make excellence in others our own property. Voltaire
透過欣賞,我們將別人的優秀變成我們自己的財產。 伏爾泰
反過來說: 他山之石,可以攻錯。這個容易一些。提醒自己戒慎恐懼,是人類本能的一部分。
Learning the strength of people could support weakness of ourselves. To say is easier than to do it. Just appreciating it, it's just like air. A person's strengths should be accumulated over time and become habits then can be seen by others . Learning is something that requires repeated practice.
On the other hand, you can correct the wrong by learning from other’s mistakes. This one is easier. Remind yourself by remembering fear is part of human nature.
Loneliness is the poverty of self; solitude is the richness of self. May Sarton
孤獨是自我的貧窮;孤獨是自我的豐富。 梅·薩頓
像似一支玻璃瓶,裝了半瓶水。空著的半瓶就是一種缺乏,意味著貧窮。存在的半瓶,就是一種擁有,意味著豐富。人是一種矛盾的動物,矛盾是思考的本質。境由心轉,願隨念生。住在喧囂的都市嚮往著寧靜的鄉野。住在平淡的農村渴望著繁華的都會。或許,變化才是人類追求的吧? 一成不變過一生或許無聊?
Like a glass bottle half filled with water. A half-empty bottle is a lack and means poverty. The half-bottle of existence is a kind of possession, which means abundance. Man is a contradictory animal, and contradiction is the essence of thinking. The circumstance changes with the heart, and the wish arises with the thoughts. Living in the noisy city yearns for the tranquil countryside. Living in a dull countryside long for a prosperous city. Perhaps change is what humans pursue, right? Living a life unchanged might be boring?
I am what is mine. Personality is the original personal property. Norman O. Brown
我就是我的東西。人格是原始的個人財產。 諾曼·O·布朗
客觀上來說,這一句話說成: 我的基本財產就是我。這樣比較容易了解。我必須保護我自己,等於,我必須保護我的財產,包括我自己。
如何客觀性的觀察一個人? 看人的本體嗎? 這樣是有一點困難! 觀察者與被觀察者兩者都存在情緒與靈魂,無法客觀。說不定,觀察他的衣著,用的文具,使用的交通工具,吃的餐點,垃圾桶裡的東西…這些是屬於一個人的財產,也是性格的一部分。
Objectively speaking, this sentence means: My basic property is me. This is easier to understand. I must protect myself, which means I must protect my property, including myself.
How to observe a person objectively? Looking at the person's true nature? This is a bit difficult! Both the observer and the observed have emotions and souls, so they cannot be objective. Maybe, observing his clothes, the stationery he uses, the transportation he uses, the meals he eats, the things in the trash can... These are the possessions that belong to a person and are part of his character.
Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is the most terrible poverty. Mother Teresa
孤獨和不受歡迎的感覺是最可怕的貧窮。 德蕾莎修女
Human life originally consists of two parts, material and spiritual. Material needs are necessary to maintain human life. Spiritual needs are the pursuit of satisfying the human soul. When a person is born, he has parents, brothers, sisters and many relatives. The process of growing up includes playmates, classmates and friends. These are indispensable in human life. Lonely people may keep pets to stave off boredom. Intimate friends are the mentors and friends who work together to find the meaning of life on the journey of life.