Welcome to my flosstube number 31! I hope you enjoy the video and all the progress. Please find all info on the charts below. Do subscribe, like and/or comment!
If you would like to get in touch with me please sent me an email: h.wiltjer@live.nl.
My Etsy shop is: ADutchStitcherDesign https://adutchstitcherdesign.etsy.com
Photographs by Oomke Wiltjer, available from https://500px.com/p/oomkewiltjer.
Music: audio file from Clipchamp
Fully finished:
Little house in the Autumn Woods, available on Etsy from WaxingMoonDesigns.
How He loves us by Theresa Kogut, freebie (start en fully finish).
Mini stocking by Shannon Christine Design, available to members of her cross stitch club only.
Februari Village Club by Country Cottage Needleworks, available from your local LNS (I receive these via ikborduur.nl).
Petit carre, available on Etsy from Lin Pulsion.
Autumn 1 from Vervaco (kit).
Leaf pile, available on Etsy from SproutingLupine.
New start:
Louisa Hora early 1800s reproduction (not available as I am currently making this).
Sampler Den Heuvel by Joke Trebbe- de Nijs, borduurblad 78, pagina 12 (using paradijsgaren).
Biancospino by Renato Parolin, available from his website or a local LNS (such as 't Gaerenhuys).
Rose teacup by Shannon Christine Designs, available to members of her cross stitch club only.
The greatest of these Faith, Hope, Love from Summerhouse Stitche Workes, available at your LNS.
Read the books, stitch the things, available on Etsy from StitchingBookClub.
Japanese Garden, available on Etsy from CrossStitchObsession.
Mini Midnight Aura by Artecy, available on their website.
Moon Deer from Owlforestembroidery, available from their website.
Landmarks, available on Etsy from TeenyWeenyXStitch.
Abaresque from Jan Hicks, available on her Etsy shop JanHicksCreates.
Wildflowers by Lanarte, artwork by Marjolein Bastin (Kit).
Location of 1800s pattern is the estate Fraeylemaborg, Slochteren (the Netherlands), owner Gerrit van Houten Stichting. Lady who stitched the sofa is Louisa Hera Siccama-de Sandra Veltman (lady of the house from 1816 to 1847).