The new Honda Tornado XR 300L is a Brazilian-made motorcycle that, from the moment it was unveiled, became one of the most sought-after off-road bikes in the world. It's the dual-purpose version of the adventure model, the Honda Sahara 300, which, despite being on the market for years, remains quite exclusive and hasn't been widely exported outside of Brazil. This new Tornado 300 borrows heavily from the engineering, structure, and design of the Honda Sahara 300. It shares the same semi-double cradle steel tube frame and the same 293.5cc engine delivering 24 horsepower.
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00:00 Intro Honda XR 300L
01:06 Honda XR 300L Review
02:26 Honda XR 300L Engine
03:55 Honda XR 300L Specifications
05:27 Honda XR 300L Price
06:47 Conclusion Honda XR 300L