I made a few huge mistakes in this run, but saved just enough time in other places to make up for it. It also doesn't hurt that @47mvp89 discovered a brand new 20 second time save today as I was making Any% attempts. 👀
- I played it safe when dealing with Sam in Level 2 and Level 6.
- @47mvp89 figured out that if you put the robot in a certain area in Level 9, then provoke and escape from Sam, he'll shift his attention to the robot. This means we no longer have to get the Remote, which means no more dealing with the alligator... Really cool discovery that saves ~20 seconds.
- I got caught in Level 11, and then I chickened out of the bridge walk. Also, I copied Zeddik and walked on the button room’s treadmill instead of running. Way less risk of losing the sheep to the void. Good stuff.
- 27:08 — I just couldn't get the sheep on the elevator. I don't know why.
- I had kind of a rough time in the maze in Level 12.
- I had a rare double-death in Level 13. I got shot by Yosemite Sam at the same moment I led the sheep into the water. It's actually kind of lucky, if you think about it.
- This was my first time using the new cutscene skip. It's everything I could have imagined.
- 40:04 — I got so caught up chasing the alien around that I forgot this button also toggles lasers across the exit. I just can't finish Planet X without frying myself at least once.
All in all, I don't expect this record to stand for long. Too many avoidable deaths. I'm expecting a bit of a mad scramble to apply the new time saves in the coming days/weeks, should be some interesting times ahead of us.
Shout out to @ast6r, @ZeddikSpeedrun, @47mvp89, and everyone else in the Sheep Raider discord who helped push the game this far. If you're interested in the game, definitely come check it out! https://discord.gg/n3EuF78tDJ