In this episode of Midlifers we do a comprehensive test and review of the instax mini 99! Prashanna, share his thoughts about having used this camera for a few weeks and we hope the info here will aid you in deciding if this is the right camera for your photography needs!
Timecodes as follows:
0:00 Intro
0:55 Meet the camera and its features
3:10 Creative LED effects and modes
5:54 Issues with the viewfinder and areas for improvements
7:38 Tripod extender
8:45 Things I like about the camera
9:17 Sharpness and distortion tests
10:07 Testing the different LED effects on skin tones and different scenes
10:50 Review of our indoor testing
14:54 Who is this camera for? and some cons of this camera
16:43 Final opinion and outro!
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