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How to use an Instax Mini 99 (full setup guide)

qistia mertowagiyo 5,286 lượt xem 9 months ago
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In the age of digital photography, where every moment is captured and stored in the cloud, there's something incredibly nostalgic and special about holding a physical photograph. The Fujifilm Instax Mini 99, a gift that has truly changed my world, brings this magic back with a modern twist. Here's a comprehensive review of my experience setting up and using this delightful instant camera.

Learn how to use your Fujifilm Instax Mini 99 with this comprehensive full setup guide. From unboxing to taking your first shot, we'll cover everything you need to know to get started with your new instant camera. Whether you're new to the world of Instax or just upgrading from an older model like the Instax Mini 9 or Instax Mini 11, this video will walk you through the entire process of setting up and using your Instax Mini 99. We'll explore the camera's features, explain how to load Instax film, and provide tips and tricks for taking amazing photos with your new Fujifilm camera. By the end of this video, you'll be ready to start snapping and sharing your favorite moments with friends and family. So, let's get started and discover the joy of instant photography with the Fujifilm Instax Mini 99!

thank you to Fujifilm Indonesia for generously providing me with this camera for review.

shopee :
instax indonesia
p r o d u c t s :
instax Indonesia :

instax mini 99 instant analog camera :
instax mini film (plain) :
instax mini film (lavender) :
instax mini film (gray) :

#InstaxMini99 #InstaxIndonesia #DontJustTakeGive

music : pair piano
Enchanting by The Keys Of Moon
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