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GAmod 2024 - version 1.1 released. Now with AIflow and FShud combatible!

Corsten ́s Hangar 462 lượt xem 2 days ago
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Changelog 11.3.2025 (

- MSFS 2024 has very annoying and agressive LOD system, that occures with MSFS2020 and 3rd party aircrafts. Somehow this LOD system is able to remove wheels in close range.

1) Removed all duplicate flights, so there should not be anymore aircraft following each other close range.

2) AIRCRAFT TWEAKS: made smallest ga models (C152, DA40, C172) wing span smaller, so they can be injected to airfields with 20ft wide parking spots. Also C172 and DA40 fixed with see through cockpit. Did change wing span of military C295M, C17 and C135F to smaller amount, that they could be injected to US based military bases.

3) Added new aircrafts:Two helicopters, glider (asobo AI model dg1001) and Hot balloon (existing gamod balloon model). They dont land and park, like in GAmod 2020 version.

4) added 2 Asobo AI models to add more variety to Bizjet traffic:
* Asobo PassiveAircraft Praetor 600
* Asobo PassiveAircraft Citation Latitude

Important notice: There is more AI models by Asobo, that can be used later, but Asobo must config the LOD system more. And official manufactor liveries did work with SU1 beta, but stopped working with official SU1 release. So most of the bizjet models are with blank white liveries. I will push update for more and working liveries when i got it fixed by some method or asobo does the fix.

5) recommended: option to disable all the Asobo´s aircrafts, that are trying to be injected (airliners, a10 military airplane, hot balloons etc). Just add GAmod2024-DisableAsoboAircrafts to community. Reminder: when disabling asobo aircrafts, you can use REAL TIME ONLINE traffic method and you only would see GA traffic models.

6) LOW setting was to dense, so all the traffic plans are now optimized that LOW setting is actually very FPS friendly (2 IFR planes/airport, little amount of VFR´s in the are). MEDIUM setting is way more dense. See affect of LOW-HIGH to variety of models injected in bottom "TROUBLESHOOTING/TIPS/SETTINGS GUIDE". You may want to use ULTRA with AI flow´s AI cull (culling traffic to what you want). See next section.

7) Instuctions for AIflow / AIcull:
- Download AIflow here:
- open Config_Utility_AIFlowAIGround.exe. Disable all the settings with single click, execpt: Max number of AI aircraft allowed. Put it to amount you need. 120 is great for 4090/5090, 80 is great for 4080/5080, 60 is great foo 4060-5070. Let Quick AI turn Vacate be enabled also.
- You can also force to cull all the traffic in certain airports with this tool all enabling all the traffic in certain airport. It will first check airport edits until culling rest of the traffic.
- Max number of AI aircraft allowed is not culling the close range traffic of yours.
- Press last 8) launch AIflow and wait 10-20 seconds AIflow to hit AI cull. You will see the diffrence in FPS clearly but you have amazing amount of traffic in close range.
- See AIflow/AIcull in action with GAmod here:

8) GAmod now with 100% FShud combatible!
- FShud is great companion for MSFS2024 users that want to have more imersive flight experience with better ATC and better AI aircraft handling than stock MSFS2024 AI traffic engine.
- FShud uses own injector and can read GAmod flightpland and models from community folder. AddonsLinker is not supported, so you must put manually GAmod2024-TrafficForFShud, GAmod2024-DisableAsoboAircrafts and GAmod2024-Models to your community folder.
- Because FShud uses own injector, it is pretty CPU intensive. So be carefull with FShud traffic intensity settings. See larger instructions in folder 5_OPTIONAL_FSHUD_COMBATIBLE_TRAFFIC_PLANS
- See FShud + Gamod 2024 in action in same video that linked earlier.

9) As requested by community, you can also use AIG GA models instead of GAmod´s MSFS 2020 GA models and AsoboPassives (2024). You need to then use folders from "OPTIONAL AIG" folder. Like these to community:
- GAmod2024-DisableAllAsoboAircraftsForAig
- GAmod2024-AIGtraffic
- GAmod2024-MilModels (optional)
- GAmod2024-MilTraffic (optional)
- aig-aitraffic-effects
- aig-aitraffic-modelbehavior
- aig-aitraffic-oci

AIG models perform little bit better than GAmod´s models, but they dont look so good. Either way, you can now choose!
- AIG models: 510 aircrafts = 55fps (+12%), 120 aircrafts = 64fps (+3%)
- GAmod models with Asobopassives: 510 aircrafts = 49fps , 120 aircrafts = 62fps

Known problems with AIG models:
- didnt have luck to have all them working. All the working ones is included.
- AIG models has realistic wing span´s so they cant be injected to very small airfiels of 20ft wide parking spots.

10) Default stock traffic disable -scripts updated: it will now first delete existing and then rename "after update added" trafficBoats.bgl to

11) made some community wishes: SKSG, EGUN, LIML
