With its compact size of 30 cm in height, you can easily grow cherry tomatoes indoors by a window, and it turns out that once you get the hang of it and get the hang of it, you can harvest it over and over again.
It was easy to grow and could be harvested without LEDs even in winter.
It is said that the taste is not so good, but this time's Regina was sweet and not as sweet as I expected!
This time as well, we will publish all the failures and happenings, so if you find it helpful, please subscribe to the channel and give us a high rating. 😊✨
■Things used for cultivation■
・Dwarf cherry tomato "Regina" species (Rakuten Market)
*Similar seeds are also sold at Daiso.
・Plastic cup (Daiso)
・Vermiculite (Daiso)
・Fresco monkey bowl 16 (Daiso)
・Dust box SHOSAI 20cm (Daiso)
・Hydroball medium ball (Daiso)
・Liquid fertilizer “Fine Powder Hyponex” (Rakuten Market)
*Liquid fertilizer is also sold at Daiso, but it is expensive.