This week on Americana Outdoors, it’s all about embracing the challenging task of handgun hunting with Smith And Wesson Performance Center! In this episode we’ll gain some valuable insight into how Performance Center firearms are designed to give you your best shot yet. We will also hear from individuals who share a love for the thrill of handgun hunting, and take a look at several Performance Center handguns in action on various hunts. To kick things off, Performance Centers very own Tony Miele will give us some insight into the beginnings of Performance Center, and their impact on taking handgun hunting to the next level. As Tony will tell us, the Performance Center takes Smith and Wesson products and makes them that much better. With the addition of compensators to reduce muzzle flip, action jobs, integral rails, and many other features exclusive to Performance Center, you’re looking at some of the best products available on the market today.
Over the last several years, Tony has joined us for a handgun hunt for whitetail every December. From his unforgettable head on shot, to rattling in deer up close and personal, we’ve always been treated to an exciting hunt when Tony joins us. This year is no different. He’s joining us again with his with his handgun of choice at his side, the Performance Center 629 .44 Magnum Hunter. From its custom tuned action, to a chrome trigger with trigger stop, and all stainless steel construction, this firearm has all the bells and whistles you would expect from Smith and Wesson Performance Center. As we catch up with Tony in the field, he’s settling in to an area that is known for lots of deer, and has already delivered a plethora of sightings. Let’s see how the
629 .44 Magnum Hunter performs today!
Up next, we’re taking a look at the Performance Center 460XVR, and how it has been built to deliver what hunters expect out of their hunting handguns. As one of the stand out models of the Smith and Wesson Performance Center, this firearm has the highest muzzle velocity of any production revolver on earth. Both Tony and Wade will give us an in depth overview of the specs and features that make this gun so desirable. This powerful firearm also accompanied us on a trip across the Atlantic Ocean last year, all the way to South Africa for an exotic hunt. See how the model 460XVR performs against a beautiful impala!
One consistent trend we see throughout hunting is the passing on of traditions and new opportunities. According to Wade, “any time someone shows interest, the biggest thing is getting that handgun in their hands, getting them out in the field, and allowing them the time to practice.” We’ll be taking a walk down memory lane and revisiting camera man Michael Wersig’s very first handgun hunt for whitetail with the Performance Center 460XVR. Another hunt we’ll look back on involves Steve Nessl taking the Performance Center 629 Stealth Hunter out for a few test runs before heading out to a blind.
As we wrap up todays show, we’ll have another look at the Performance Center 629 Stealth Hunter, as Wade brings it along with him for a recent fallow hunt. Fallow are strikingly beautiful deer with massive antlers, and there’s one special fallow that’s been roaming camp, only ever seen on the Stealth Cams set up around the property. Wade always said, “if anyone sees him, go ahead and take him.” Well, on this hunt, our mystical fallow appears and stops right in front of Wade. We’ll have a chance to see how the Performance Center 629 Stealth Hunter performs one on one with this massive fallow. Every single product from the Performance Center is the ultimate expression of old world craftsmanship blended with modern technology, and the 629 Stealth Hunter is no exception to the rule. From hand cutting and fitting, to fine tuning for precision, Performance Center firearms are top performers and are guaranteed to deliver the best performance for your hunting needs.
Americana Outdoors® is one of the longest running outdoors platforms for viewing available today. Seen on numerous television and digital platforms it's available every days of the week somewhere.
Americana Outdoors is known for featuring a large range of content from some of the most well known destinations, conservation messages, the latest in products, and some of the nation’s top anglers and hunters, while providing the viewing audience with both entertainment and education in every episode.
Every season, viewers have become accustomed to seeing coverage of exciting whitetail hunts, bugling elk, gobbling turkeys and wing shooting. Also viewers experience top level fishing events nationwide as well as being treated to fishing action featuring bass, redfish, walleye, tuna and more, all of which make up Americana Outdoors® presented by Garmin.