Handgun hunting continues to grow in popularity and it's no secret it's a passion for many members of the Americana Outdoors team. In this episode we hunt whitetails while rattling with handguns, we go to Africa on an Impala hunt and then we look back on several handgun hunts from the past while sharing insight on choosing the best handgun for you to hunt with.
You'll see the Performance Center 460, the famed 44 Mag and others all in action in this episode.
Americana Outdoors® is one of the longest running outdoors platforms for viewing available today. Seen on numerous television and digital platforms it's available every days of the week somewhere.
Americana Outdoors is known for featuring a large range of content from some of the most well known destinations, conservation messages, the latest in products, and some of the nation’s top anglers and hunters, while providing the viewing audience with both entertainment and education in every episode.
Every season, viewers have become accustomed to seeing coverage of exciting whitetail hunts, bugling elk, gobbling turkeys and wing shooting. Also viewers experience top level fishing events nationwide as well as being treated to fishing action featuring bass, redfish, walleye, tuna and more, all of which make up Americana Outdoors® presented by Garmin.