It is a scene of trains arriving, departing, and passing through Aikawa Station on the Hankyu Kyoto Line in Japan (weekdays, evening rush hours around 18:00-20:00). Semi-express and semi-express trains passing through, Hankyu trains that stop at local trains (local trains), and trains (66 series) of the Osaka Metro Sakaisuji Line that are in mutual service are shown.
It is the time zone when the semi-express train runs in the evening.
A total of two trains of passing Hankyu and Osaka Metro vehicles are also shown.
A vehicle with the head mark of Hankyu's "50th anniversary of the birth of 5300 series" was also running.
You can see one normal/Shojaku-bound line.
Aikawa Station has two island platforms and two lines. Lines 1 and 2 are for Kyoto Kawaramachi, and lines 3 and 4 are for Osaka Umeda and Tengachaya. Local trains sometimes stop at Routes 1 and 4 to wait for limited express trains to pass.
At the end of the Kyoto Kawaramachi side of the platform, there is a staircase leading down to the passage below, but this is a passageway and staircase that used to lead to the ticket gate for students, and is now closed.
The videos are taken alternately from the Osaka Umeda/Tengachaya platform and the Kyoto Kawaramachi platform.
00:00 From Osaka Umeda/Tengachaya platform
01:28 Forward Pass 1
01:53 each train
03:21 From Kyoto Kawaramachi area platform
04:17 Series 5300 50th Anniversary HM 1
05:19 each train
19:09 Forward passage 2 (66 series)
19:49 each train
21:20 Series 5300 50th Anniversary HM 2
22:25 each train
27:31 From Osaka Umeda/Tengachaya platform
37:52 From Kyoto Kawaramachi area platform
39:56 To Shojaku
40:52 each train