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Their Books
Getting the Love You Want (bk)
Imago Relationship
Their story
Couples therapy
Weekend workshops
Training therapists
Workshops (website)
Identifying unmet needs
Safe Conversations
Having Safe Conversations
A couple’s problems are a function of the quality of their conversation, and the quality of their conversation determines the quality of their relationship.
Internationally renowned couple, therapists, and speakers Harville Hendrix, Ph.D., and Helen LaKelly Hunt, Ph.D., have learned through experiences of their own that the way they talked to each other determined how they related to each other. “You don’t solve things with aggression or put downs,” Dr. Harville says.
Through their work, Dr. Harville and Dr.Helen have revealed that a couple's problems are not their problems, rather the problem is how they talk about their problems. “Everybody needs to be seen, heard and valued,” Harville says.
Through a three step process of mirroring, validating, and empathizing with one another, couples can safely connect, and experience better results in their marriage.
As a marriage champion, you may understand that it's not natural for people to slow down and take the steps that are necessary to understand their spouse, but there are spaces where couples can learn to safely communicate.
Join us for this special Up Close and Personal and gain further insight into how to help couples have healthy relational communication.
Learn more about Dr. Hendrix and Dr. Hunt on the Marriage Resources website:
About Dr. Hendrix and Dr. Hunt:
Harville Hendrix, Ph.D., and Helen LaKelly Hunt, Ph.D., are internationally respected couple's therapists, speakers, and New York Times bestselling authors. Together, they have written 10 books with more than four million copies sold, including the timeless classic, Getting the Love You Want: A Guide for Couples. They created the Safe Conversations® process, which teaches people how to communicate and connect more effectively. They established Imago Relationship Therapy, an approach practiced by more than 2,500+ therapists around the world, as well as co-founding Imago Relationships International, a non-profit organization that trains therapists and educators worldwide.
Harville was a guest on the Oprah Winfrey Show 17 times, and Helen was installed in the Women's Hall of Fame for her leadership in the global women's movement.
The vision of the Marriage Initiative is to elevate the importance of marriage through leadership teams collectively and collaboratively working together. All of the information provided on our website should be interpreted as an effort to fulfill that vision. Opinions expressed by speakers and presenters at Marriage Initiative events are not necessarily those of the Marriage Initiative. Our events and communications are intended to be educational and informational in nature and are not to be considered professional counseling nor are they intended to replace the services provided by trained professional counselors and therapists. If a link takes you to a site other than (or any page found at that web address), then we are not responsible for the information or content at that linked site. By accessing our website, you agree that any disputes you have with Marriage Initiative, will be submitted to the conflict reconciliation procedures of Peacemaker Ministries. Marriage Initiative is not affiliated with Peacemaker Ministries.