Celebrity couple, Andie Chen & Kate Pang, made the bold move to Taiwan at the peak of the Covid-19 pandemic. What problems did the Kandie family face as a result of the frequent quarantine and separation? Andie Chen realised his actor dream after his win in Star Search 2007 but how did Taiwan native Kate Pang end up as an artiste in Singapore? 本地演艺圈的恩爱夫妻陈邦鋆和庞蕾馨,疫情期间,举家搬迁到台湾生活,因两地隔离所产生的矛盾,他们会如何解决?才华冠军邦鋆从小就立志当艺人,而来自台湾的蕾馨,又为何来新追梦?
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