Hear U Out S3 权听你说 3 EP6 | Kate Pang & Andie Chen 陈邦鋆和庞蕾馨 Part 2 - From onscreen siblings to couple
From onscreen siblings to couple, Andie Chen & Kate Pang turned their onscreen romance into real life love affair. Kate Pang used to have phobia for marriage due to her past trauma. How did Andie Chen win her over and help her overcome this fear? The happily married couple also shares some of their quirky parenting tips. 陈邦鋆和庞蕾馨这对演艺夫妻档,从兄妹演到情侣,戏假情真,最终开花结果,但蕾馨却对婚姻毫无安全感,到底是什么经历,让她心灵受创?对于育儿理念,他们的观点也相当另类,让人刮目相看。
#HearUOut3 #权听你说3
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