Hello, in this video I describe a receiver for amateur radio bands (80m-10m) SSB/CW, driven by the JF3HZB VFO. It is a superheterodyne using a classical technology, with mixers and amplifiers. The selectivity is ensured by a cristal filter on 9 MHz, any other frequency will do.
You can find most of the components at "Kits and Parts", I have of course no commercial relationship with this company.
Schematics : https://f6crp.pagesperso-orange.fr/tech/rx_deca.htm
JF3HZB VFO : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CbyVXa0JlSI (issue and fix in my case). Look in the description of this vidéo tyo find code, sketch, schematic
kit suppliers : https://kitsandparts.com/rftoolkits.php
SCAF MAC293 schematic and more : http://lpistor.chez-alice.fr/passebas.htm
N6QW S-meter : https://www.jessystems.com/Images/JABOM/Figure%208.jpg