Let's make homemade cerelac for 6-12 month baby at home with chef swati
१ वाटी तांदुळ
२ चमचे तुरडाळ
२ चमचे उदीड डाळ
२ चमचे मुगडाळ
६-८ बदाम
1 Cup Rice
2 tspTurdal / Toordal
2 tsp Urad Dal
2 tsp Moong Dal
6-8 Almonds
#homemadebabyfoodrecipe #babyfoodrecipeinhindi #babyfoodrecipeinmarathi #babyfoodrecipefor1yearsold #babyfoodrecipes #babyfoodrecipefor6months #healthybabyfood #babyfoodrecipes #homemadecerelacrecipe #cerelacrecipe #cerelacrecipesinmarathi #homemadecerelacrecipefor1yearoldbaby #cerelacrecipefor6monthbaby #बेबीफूडरेसिपीइनहिंदी #बेबीफुडरेसिपीइनमराठी
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