I love caramel corn, but it has to be good to be worth eating. Well, this one fits the bill perfectly. It can be made a little more chewy or more crunchy if you prefer. It is sweet, salty and caramel flavored all in one.
Caramel Corn
1cup butter
1/2cup corn syrup
2cups brown sugar
1teaspoon salt
1Tablesooon vanilla
1/2teaspoon baking soda
16c. popped popcorn
Pop your popcorn. We use1c. of kernels and pop them ourselves (1/2c. would have been enough), but if you want to do microwavable just make sure it is unsalted and has no flavor added.
Melt the butter in a large pan, add brown sugar, corn syrup and salt. Stir well and bring to a boil. Boil on medium heat for 5 minutes stirring constantly.
Remove from the heat and add the baking soda and vanilla. Please be extra careful when adding the vanilla as it will pop the hot liquid a little.
Pour the mix over your popcorn in a large bowl. Stir well.
Pour onto a cookie sheet and let cool. You can eat it as is or if you want a more crunchy caramel corn put in a 250 degree oven for 15 minuets. It will get more crunchy as it cools fully.
Break it into chunks and store in an airtight container.
Wanna make your own brown sugar? It is easy! https://youtu.be/vMDgQJSig1k
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Visit our etsy shop for sourdough starter and other handmade items. https://littlehillhomestead.etsy.com use discount code YOUTUBE for 20% off your purchase.
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Want the most adorable tea towels? visit https://gingiber.com/ and use code ALLISON22979 for 20% off.
Thanks for watching,
Shawn and Ali
Little Hill Homestead