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How Different Can This Be? | Individual Cylinder Tuning

High Performance Academy 13,086 lượt xem 2 years ago
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What is individual cylinder tuning and how does the position and amount of wideband sensors make a difference?

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Most tuners will rely on the input from a single lambda sensor mounted in the collector of the exhaust, and while this is effective for the overall engine tune, it is really measuring an average of the mixture from each cylinder on the engine.

There is an expectation that when we are tuning the fuel table in an ECU, that each cylinder will respond the same and operate with the same lambda value which makes that single sensor seem like the perfect solution. In reality though this is often far from the case, and machining tolerances, injector inconsistencies and poor flow distribution in the intake manifold can all add up to significant cylinder to cylinder fluctuations which can be fine for many applications, but can also sometimes cause havoc as we push engines to give us more and more power.

Also discussed are how to keep wideband sensors like the Bosch LSU 4.2 or Bosch LSU 4.9 alive in a pre-turbo installation, and a quick example of how on our own SR20VET we can see differences up to 10% between cylinders, remembering the more power you are having the greater and greater an impact such a large difference will have!

Worth noting that the actual AFR (air fuel ration) reading that we get from our sensors might not always be the important part when it comes to accuracy, but rather ensuring the sensors are at least consistent so that we can see the difference between cylinders in a meaningful way, which is our focus. Exhaust back pressure is the reason why you might not get the most accurate AFR reading as Andre explains.

Note while cheaper than ever, these sensors are still not free and can also be removed from the car after tuning, or be left in position for realtime trimming depending on your requirements and budget.

0:00 - Individual Cylinder Fuel Tuning Vs 'Normal'
1:32 - Using EGT Is NOT THE SAME
2:10 - AFR Differences Cylinder Vs Cylinder
3:07 - AEM 4 Channel Wideband UEGO Controller
3:33 - Analog Vs Digital (CAN Bus)
4:57 - Single Channel Option
5:23 - Simple But Important Single Channel CAN Consideration
5:49 - Wideband Mounting Options
7:42 - Pre-Turbo Weld Bung Protection
7:59 - Wideband Sensor Life & Control (Bosch LSU 4.2 or 4.9 etc)
9:55 - Alternative Way To Do Control Sensor Heating
10:15 - AFR Accuracy Vs Back Pressure
11:40 - Exhaust Backpressure Sensor
12:20 - Backpressure Sensor Mounting
12:49 - Pressure Spikes Vs Mechanical Dampers
13:21 - How Much Variation Can There Be?
14:04 - Practical Example (MoTeC M150, But Not Specific To It!)
15:20 - Conclusion
15:46 - Thumbs Up, Thanks For The Support, Free Lesson Link
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