"How Do I Explain Customer Pain When Pitching Investors?" When pitching startup investors, they want to understand the problem you're solving and how you solve it. However, there’s more to it than that—and this is where many startup CEOs go wrong. What investors truly want to know is how much pain your customers are experiencing right now because the current solutions to their problem aren’t good enough. They also want to see how your solution eases that pain. That’s exactly what today’s video is about. Drawing on my experience raising funding for my own company and helping other CEOs secure funding for theirs, I’ll explain why effectively articulating customer pain might be the most powerful tool you have to raise money. I hope you like it. Join my free community for startup CEOs here. There are weekly AMAs with me: Skool group: https://www.skool.com/zero-to-pitch-7541/about To get your free Startup Pitch Deck Template go to: https://www.brettjfox.com/startup-pitch-deck-template-youtube/ Click here to subscribe to my channel: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=BrettFoxstartupceo. Say hi on social: LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/foxbrett/ Quora: https://www.quora.com/profile/Brett-Fox-8 Website: https://www.brettjfox.com YouTube Video URL: https://youtu.be/YtanGCCeKCk #brettfox, #pitchdeck, #hownottocreateapitchdeck *if necessary YOUTUBE URL: https://www.youtube.com/c/BrettFoxstartupceo Not Startup Investors On How To Pitch Like A Pro, 3 Things to Remember When Pitching Investors | Inc., How To Identify Customer Pain Points In Under 2 Minutes!, How Do You Ask Investors For Money When You Pitch?, The Secret to Successfully Pitching an Idea | The Way We Work, a TED series, What investors ACTUALLY want to see in your PITCH DECK., How To Perfectly Pitch Your Seed Stage Startup With Y Combinator's Michael Seibel, How To Pitch Your Company To Investors #startuppitch tups, How to Use Customer Testimonials in Your Pitch Deck to Hook Investors, What Investors Really Want To See In Your Pitch Deck, Explained, How to nail an investor pitch [startups], How to Find Pain Points for Customers, THE PERFECT PITCH in 4 minutes | How to create one for your future investors?, How to Make the Perfect Pitch for Your Investors? | Startup Investors, Investor Pitch Structure, Episode 31: Startup Pain: The Art of the Pitch Deck and Winning Over Investors, How to Find Pain Points with Clients and Customers, Perfecting the Pitch, How to Pitch a New Business to investors, How to Pitch a Business Proposal That Investors or Financial Lenders Would Love