Happy Halloween! To celebrate, we'll finally make good on Universal Studio's inept promise to turn their classic monsters into a shared cinematic universe.
Abbott and Costello helped transform the Universal Monsters into film's first multi-franchise continuity. The studio's subsequent reboot efforts have been a comedy of errors worthy of that classic duo. From attempts in the 90s to reproduce the success of Coppolla's auteur horror in Bram Stoker's Dracula, to the series of false starts in the 2000s with the likes of Benecio Del Toro's Wolfman and (franchise killer) Luke Evans' Dracula Untold, to the cynical SHIELD-izing of monster hunters with Tom Cruise's The Mummy, Universal has been heavy on splashy announcements and powerhouse casting -- and light on any quality filmmaking. All these stories are tales as old as time, so is there a way to find a fresh take at all? And if you do, how do you actually team up the monsters without feeling like a spoof? Gather round, boils and ghouls, because the Crew is here to treat you with our Reboot tricks.
BILLY BUSINESS: https://www.twitter.com/billyapatterson
ED GREER: https://www.twitter.com/edgreerdestroys
RON SWALLOW: https://www.twitter.com/dorkyswallow
PRODUCER BILL: https://www.instagram.com/seebilldraw
HOT TAKES W/ BILLY BIZ: https://billybusiness.podomatic.com
THE GREATEST POD PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/TheGreatestPod
MUSIC: https://www.purple-planet.com