We are preparing for cold weather sailing in Patagonia, and review the options on how to heat a boat to stay warm while we liveaboard Sv Brick House. Who would think of a wood burning stove on a boat? Our boat heater installation includes a cubic mini wood stove installation (grizzly), a solid fuel burner really, and an engine or bus heater. A wood burning stove on a boat may not be the way every sailor would choose for heating a boat, but it was right for us. We show our wood burning stove diy installation with Dickinson fittings, and what precautions we took to try to make our cubic mini wood stove installation a safe wood burning stove diy. At the end Rebecca talks about why we chose a wood stove over a diesel heater, propane heater, Refleks diesel/alcohol burner, electric heaters, or other boat heater installations, for our cold weather sailing around the world. We will stay warm & off-grid in our floating tiny home!
The 4 boat heaters we feel are the best heaters for our sailboat:
1.Cubic Mini Woodstove - For heating the sailboat at anchor, when electricity and fuel is scarce we are using a wood burning stove. The cubic mini grizzly wood stove (CB-1210) nor the 810 ecofan, on top of the wood-stove, use electricity or require us to carry diesel or propane in bulk. Wood is easily found or purchased. This small wood stove burns coal too. Itâs an economical source of heat for a small sailboat for those of us sailing on a budget.
Cubic Mini Grizzly wood burning stove: https://amzn.to/3dHMNXC (larger woodstove)
Cubic Mini Cub wood burning stove : https://amzn.to/2wECGlZ (smaller woodstove)
Caframo Ecofan 810 (medium size): https://amzn.to/2xCrS7K
Dickinson deck fitting https://amzn.to/2JrFzsU (Not sure we like this-ask in comments)
Dickinson DP Cap: https://amzn.to/2xvS9ol (not sure we like this - ask in comments)
Tools for wood stove: https://amzn.to/2UuNpsg
Double walled flue pipes: https://cubicminiwoodstoves.com/collections/all/products/cb-3024-ss-three-3-stainless-steel-double-wall-flue-pipe-24-section
Detailed info about the product and installation at http://www.cubicminiwoodstoves.com
2. Bus Heater/Engine heater. Free heat on the boat when the engine is running: We bought our small boat heater from Fisheries Supplies...these are the ones used by MANY fishing boats in the northwest USA...and they have some cold weather boating up there!
3. A kerosene lantern: (Tilley lantern, Coleman lantern). For backup heating the boat
Kerosene Lantern: (different model than ours) https://amzn.to/3bDyHEZ
4. Electric boat heater/Space heater/quartz heater- for heating the boat at the dock. anything like this will work... https://amzn.to/3bDAERP
I am writing a blog soon about the various boat heaters we researched. If you didnât notice...Patrick sped me through this part...and I didnât have enough time to talk about all of the boat heating options as much as I would have liked to. Whatâs a girl to do. Well...Iâm writing a blog. If you want a boring but somewhat exhaustive write up of why we chose a wood burning stove/woodstove over all the other various kinds of boat heaters available, visit our blog at http://www.WhereIsBrickHouse.com.
Special Thanks to Dan and Kika on sv Uma ( Youtube Sailing Channel Sailing Uma)
They installed a Cubic Mini Wood on their sailboat, and are where we originally got the idea to look at Cubic Mini woodstoves as an option on how to heat a sailboat. Here is that video and is one of the best videos on how to Heat a sailboat:: https://youtu.be/E5gcSMzrhAk
Other videos on the Cubic Mini woodstoves on boats, sailboats, tiny homes, vans...:
Playlist of probably every Cubic Mini woodstove installation I could find on youtube: https://youtu.be/gYg9oBAIofc
Other Videos on Installation & Using Cubic Mini Woodstoves
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