Had to bring out all the toys to make this one! scroll and band saw, power sanders, angle grinders and Dremel. plus a whole lot of sanding. I would like to give credit to Steve Garrison for making such a great "how to" video , you all should check his channel out! this is a bit of a long one so hope you can make it to the end. thanks for watching!
also check out Steve Garrisons website at www.spiralsbysteve.com
Where to get the tools I used, Links Below!
Affiliate links
Dremel https://amzn.to/2QCzBuF
Scroll saw https://amzn.to/2QIeya9
Duragrit https://amzn.to/2BYwRPY
Saburr Burr cone https://amzn.to/2BWtNnl
Saburr Burr round over https://amzn.to/2QEKITz
Wood Burr https://amzn.to/2QgTpnU
Kutzall cone https://amzn.to/2BY84LK
Detail Sanding Pen https://amzn.to/2Sy4Dkz
Proxxon long neck angle grinder https://www.axminster.co.uk/proxxon-lhw-long-neck-angle-grinder-c-w-arbortech-mini-blades-718300