Как убрать второй подбородок, кольца Венеры, и отеки. Массаж от Айгерим Жумадиловой
These simple but powerful techniques will help:
✅ Reduce a double chin
✅ Smooth out the rings of Venus
✅ Remove swelling and improve the contours of the neck and chin
✅ Improve lymphatic drainage and rejuvenate the skin
✅ Tighten and strengthen the skin of the neck and décolleté
Contacts: Aigerym Zhumadilova Massage Center:
+77013972709 (Almaty, Kazakhstan)
Training (courses): https://centeraigerim.com/
Disclaimer: before performing a massage, it is important to be careful - each organism is unique, and for some people certain techniques may not be suitable. Please consider your individual characteristics and skin condition before performing a massage.