Sharpen a straight razor with a Coticule jaune.
A Coticule jaune gives your razor a perfect blade. A perfect blade means a smooth shave and a great feeling.
1. Pour water over the whetstone
2. Place the preformed blade flat on the stone for the correct angle
3. Move the blade up and down over the stone
4. Sharpen both sides of the blade
5. Clean the blade and the stone
Ardennes-Coticule is the natural Belgian whetstone producer with a passion for sharpening your tools. We produce whetstones in various shapes and of different quality: Coticule Selected & Standard, Coticule bleu, Coticule Pyrenées and Coticule Carborandum, so you will always find the perfect match for your knife, scissors, straight razor, chisel, pruning shears, etc.
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