How to tie roller gun wishbone bridles with an easy loader handle using dyneema cord.
Learn how to tie & make up your own handload rollergun / speargun rubbers, as well as some extra tips and tricks to make your spearfishing rigging easy.
0:00 Intro
0:25 Eg: Coatesman Double Roller with hand load bridle
0:56 What you need to tie wishbones
01:50 Step 1 - burn off ends of 2mm dyneema
02:07 Step 2 - wishbone dyneema knot
03:34 Step 3 - measure bridle length
03:56 Step 4 - second dyneema knot
04:21 Step 5 - double check bridle length
05:01 Step 6 - tighten using bench vice
05:35 Step 7 - cut & burn ends
06:49 Complete wishbones
06:55 How to insert the wishbones into speargun rubber
07:16 How to tie constrictor knot
08:55 Finishing off the bridle on the grinder
Here is the newest version of the Coatesman Double Roller Speargun:
Specialised Spearfishing concepts for the exceptional spearfisherman.
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