Originally designed as a short range transport for ferrying cargo between relay stations and immense corporate gatehaulers, the J-109's versatility and modular architecture makes it a popular choice for retrofitting to support modern jump drives. After Rochelle Heavy Dynamics was shuttered in the tumult of the Colonial Wars, open access to the J-109's schematics flooded known space with aftermarket mods and bootleg replicas, ensuring that Atlases will be seen plying the spacelanes for generations to come.
Materials Used:
Styrene sheets, in .020'' (.5 mm) and .040'' (1 mm) weight
Many small assorted bits from model tanks and etc.
IPS Weld On 3
Acrylic paints in several colors
Matte clearcoat
Oil paints for weathering
0:00 Intro
0:36 Sketches
0:55 What You'll Need
1:16 Cutting theTemplate
3:32 Steps 1 to 4
4:32 Steps 5 to 7
5:17 Steps 8 to 12
6:54 Steps 13 and 14
7:30 Steps 15 to 17
8:18 Steps 18 to 20
9:15 Steps 21 to 23
9:55 Steps 24 to 26
10:41 Panelizing
13:25 Greeblies
14:24 Priming
14:34 Aztecking
15:43 Adding some color
16:30 Weathering
17:21 Outro